Blueberry Mojitos

Big Batch Blueberry Mojitos

I love to plan parties and summer is one of my favorite seasons to bring friends and family together. Whether gathering around a pool (a…

Summer Grill Marinade

If I could, I would grill every day in the summer. And this is my favorite marinade. It’s sweet and tangy, not quite teriyaki, but…

Avocado Pasta

After a busy day at work and shuffling the kids around to their activities, this is a perfect wind-down meal and one of my family’s…

Americana Milkshake

Summer is milkshake season! This is such a fun and creative treat that’s great for getting the family involved to create their own, or to…

Grandma’s Thumbprint Cookies

This is a family recipe passed down from my grandmother “Pearl Alice” to my mother some 40 years ago. My mom made these cookies every…

Jellyfish Cocktail

What better time than the holidays to bust out fancy drinks? This is a simple show-stopper that gives the maker instant mixologist cred. Have your…

Flaming Pumpkin Pie Shot

I’ve become notorious in my family for my decadent desserts—I especially love making cheesecakes and pies around this time of year. But this is a…

Chicken Noodle Soup

Nothing cures the cold-weather blues like a warm bowl of homemade chicken soup. When I used to live in Chicago, this was a standard that…

jellyfish shot

Jellyfish Shot

Since the holidays are full of fun and festivities, there’s no better way to jazz up a party even more with wild and delicious drink…

Countdown to the Big Game Chili

Football season is a big event in our house, and this chili recipe is our go-to favorite—a perfect warm, hearty dish when the weather outside…