
Spiced Maple Bourbon Fizz

Nothing says happy holidays like sipping on the perfect cozy cocktail. This classic recipe with a seasonal twist is a favorite to savor, enjoy and…

Momma’s Mac & Cheese

This mac & cheese is very special to me as it’s my mother’s recipe that she would make when I was growing up. It’s one…

Double-Chocolate Mocha Trifle

Every year I turn into Clark W. Griswold around the holidays. I love the Christmas traditions that force our children to unwillingly participate in the…

Turkey Veggie Soup

If you know me, you know I love to create, and making soups are top of my list. On a cold day, there’s nothing like…

Creamy Lasagna

With my family, it always seems like we have the untraditional traditions. While most families are cooking up their holiday hams, festive cranberry glazes and…

Crispy Blue Cheese Potatoes

Potatoes? Check! Cheese? Double check! Bacon? Um… of course! With all of the best savory things in the world brought together in one scrumptious dish,…

Linda’s Mudslide

One of my favorite activities during the holidays is spending time with family and friends. I host an annual holiday cookie exchange party with my…

Bluegrass Bourbon Slush

Even Santa will tell you that sometimes the best way to keep warm is actually with a nice cold cocktail. This bourbon slush recipe has…

Cranberry Compote & Baked Brie

My family traditionally served canned cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving dinner until my boyfriend (now husband) insisted that we make our own. This recipe for cranberry…

Fresh Fruit & Sweet Tea Ice Pops

Fruit & Sweet Tea Ice Pops

There’s nothing more refreshing than sipping a tall glass of sweet tea—except for enjoying that same great taste in the form of fruit & sweet…

Mexican Street Corn

Mexican Street Corn

I recently experienced this Mexican street corn at a friend’s house and I just had to have the recipe. It looks great, it’s easy to make…